[cc lang=’javascript’ ][/cc]
[cc lang=’css’ ][/cc]
[nonmember] Making changes to the VDP with CSS and javascript is easily done. The following code snippets will help you do things like change the text and color in the form header.[/nonmember]
Changes to the Vehicle Detail Page
1. ‘Make an offer/get info’ title, color
[cc lang=’css’ ]
/*Changes Make and Offer/Get Info box color*/
#armadillo-detail .armadillo-request-form .armadillo-header {
background: RED;
[cc lang=’javascript’ ]
/* Changes text in form header for Vehicle Detail page */
jQuery(‘.armadillo-request-form .armadillo-header’).text(‘Check For Additional Discount’);
jQuery(‘.armadillo-request-form .armadillo-header’).css({‘background-color’:’#9F0300′,’font-size’:’12px’});
2. ‘vehicle information’ title, color
3. ‘contact information’ title, color
4. ‘help full link’ title color
/*change Vehicle Information on detail page*/
#armadillo-detail .armadillo-vehicle-information {
font-size: 14px;
Eprice stuff
1. eprice
2. headlines