Creates a list or profile view for all active non-superuser users in a network.
Designed for a WordPress Network site. Will create a page called, “mymembers” where it will list all non-superuser users in the network. This page will display an avatar image, user name, short bio and a link to the users site.
If user’s site is on the network, a profile page can be displayed. To display the profile, use the shortcode (details below) or use the myMembers widget. The profile uses additional fields added by the plugin like avatar image url, facebook url, twitter url, linkedin url, facebook url, born location, member since date and phone #.
Shortcode values
[mymembers_view] – Default value, which will generate a list view of the most active user in the network.
[mymembers_view user_login=”loginname”] – Will generate a singe view profile of the user entered.
[mymembers_view sort_type=0 limit=2] – Will generate a list view of the 2 most active users in the network.
[mymembers_view user_login=”” sort_type=0 limit=1] – Full shortcode.
sort_type values:
0 (active)
1 (alphabetically)
2 (id)
If a user_login value is entered, it will override the list view.