Admin – General

Admin - General

  • Company ID: VMS id associated with your account
  • Blog ID: used for distinguishing install on multi-site installs.
  • Blog Inventory Table: WordPress database table named, only used with Flamingo theme.
  • Disable Search Engine Visibility: Checking will prevent Google and other bots from indexing your site, unless you are developing your site this should be left unchecked.
  • Show Plugin Debug Info: Useful for debugging issues. Can leave unchecked unless experiencing problems or have be requested to turn on from Dealertrend.
  • Google Tag: If you have a google tag container id, you can add it here and the plugin will add the other code necassary.
  • Refresh Company Info: The company is checked every 4 hours by default for any changes to the main account. Pressing this will manually refresh the company id information.
  • Manually Import All Inventory: Inventory is check every hour for updates. Pressing this will trigger a new call for ALL dealers inventory in the system.
  • Import Status: Top level information about Company and Inventory information regarding updates.
    • Manually Import: will import the data for this specific company.
    • Manually Import Purge: will purge any cached data on the API and pull in data.