While most of the changes were for the Admin end, there were some small styling changes to the inventory display. The new version will transfer all of the current settings over, so there is no need to worry about having to set everything up. As good practice, please back up the site before updating, and then verify the changes were successful and are showing properly. If you have any concerns please reach out to support@dealertrend.com and we will help you with the migration.
The planned release date for this is Dec 12, 2023.
General changes:
- PHP minimum version is now 7.4. This is in line with current WordPress requirements. As previous versions are now considered end of life. https://wordpress.org/about/requirements/
- Ajax saving for options has been removed. (You will need to hit the ‘Save’ button in order to save.)
- Tabbed drill down for changing Theme settings.
- Flamingo is now part of the main CarDealerPress plugin.
- All Themes now use the WP database for inventory, and the API gets called once an hour to check for updates. (There is still an option to manually call the API)
- There is now a CSS box for both, list, detail page (used to only be one). If a class is in the Both box and the same one is in the Detail box, the Detail box takes precedence.
- List and Detail Script injectors.
- Ability to hide or show prices.
- Display dealer name, phone, address (full or city/state) in the vehicle information.
- Can now edit and add multiple Banners.
Non Flamingo Themes:
- Ability to adjust price range values.
- Custom Sort filter now available.
- Can now add custom Tag functionality. (Tags must still be added in VMS)
- Can edit vehicle attributes (engine, mileage, vin, etc) to either show or not show on desktop/mobile and drag and drop ordering, in addition to renaming them. NOTE: If you are using the Grid view, you will need to uncheck a few of the attributes, for the List view, as all of them will be showing.
- Extra Boxes now have a both, list, or detail page (used to only be one) with overrides, so if it’s filled out in the Both box and the something else is in the Detail box, the Detail box takes precedence.
- There is an extra HTML box that will show up on the List page above the current ‘More Information’ buttons. See image below.

NOTE: If you are using the Flamingo theme with the Listing page setup as a Grid, after the upgrade you will need to got to Inventory Display->List->Vehicle Attributes, and uncheck and reorder the Attributes you don’t want shown, the old default is Engine, Transmission, Odometer, VIN, Stock #. The new default is everything. Or you can select which ones you want instead.
NOTE: If you have Flamingo Active be sure it is at version 6.4.2312.00, BEFORE updating to the latest version of CDP.
Some screen shots of what is to come:
Admin interface:

List Page General settings.

Vehicle Attributes: