Only available on Flamingo.
Maps are generated from the Google Maps API and you will need to setup a project in order to receive the API key needed for this integration.
Set up a new Project using Google Console
API's to enabled:
- Maps JavaScript API
- Geocoding API
IMPORTANT it will not work unless you have it tied to a Billing account.
as of 05/2020 pricing is as follows: (according to the pricing page the first $200 per month is free)
- Geocoding $5/1000 requests
- Maps $7/1000 requests.
Development info:
- The 'Geocoding API' is used to change the address to Latitude and Longitude coordinates, That then the Maps JavaScript API uses to build the map.
- The 'Maps JavaScript API' is used for building the map integration,

- Google Map API Key: This key is generated from Google, after you setup the project.
The map will show below the Vehicle Notes/Options tabs, as show below.