
Car Dealerships’ Newest Trick

Local Dealership Placing Customer Reviews Front & Center

BURLESON, TX: Local Lynn Smith Chevy has taken massive strides to link customers to customers, allowing for open reviews, and also publicly post all reviews by each sales person. Some may view this as a trick, but many view it as a favor.

“We realize that our industry is tainted with horrible, dishonest, and untrustworthy sales associates. Rather than tell you how great our team is, we decided to open our doors to public reviews and place those directly on our website.” Says Lynn Smith, owner of Lynn Smith Chevrolet.

Smith has also incentivize sales associates by placing those with the best reviews over a 90 day rolling average first on their site. “This means the people you see on the homepage are the ones that have the most reviews and activity”. Says Smith

Mike Fitzpatrick (CEO CarDealer Press) & Lynn Smith

Each sales person now has their own individual website hosted by Lynn Smith. Each site serves as a hub for users to read about their sales associate, reviews, recent photos, and even see their social media accounts to find out if they have friends in common. Their new myPages platform has taken the veil of ‘who is the person I am working with’ or ‘can I trust them’ and allows the consumer to conduct quick research not only about the dealership, but also the individual that is going to serve as an honest guide through their car buying experience.

But, to take it one step further, each review is geared toward the next consumer down the line. After each customer receives a photo of themselves in their brand new vehicle, they also receive the opportunity to share why they purchased that vehicle versus several others they were comparing it against.

“We realize that that customers do an extreme amount of research prior to walking through our door. We want to provide quality information, written by consumers, that will help aide others during their vehicle purchase.” Says Smith.

After just 6 weeks of launching their new myPages website, Lynn Smith has already noticed an 18% increase in online traffic that spans from consumers not only researching their vehicles, but also their sales person.